H M Revenue & Customs – Income Tax and National Insurance
FBI2 -Authorising your agent to use PAYE/CIS online services (Internet)
SA1 -Registering for Self-Assessment
CWF1 -Notification of Self Employment
P11d -Return of employee benefits in kind
P11d(b) -Employer’s declaration of benefits in kind
P38S -Student vacation work declaration
BR19 -Application for a State Pension Forecast
H M Revenue & Customs – VAT
VAT1 -Application for registration
VAT2 -Partnership details on registration
VAT7 -Application for de-registration
VAT427 -Claim to recover Input Tax – post de-registration
VAT484 -Notifying of changes to a VAT registered business
VAT652 -Notification of errors > £10,000
VAT 600FRS -Application to Join the Flat Rate Scheme
Companies House
AA01 -Change of accounting reference date
AA02 -Dormant company accounts
AD01 -Change of registered office
AP03 -Appointment of Secretary
CH01 -Change of Director Particulars
CH03 -Change of Secretary Particulars
DS01 -Application for striking off
IN01 -Application to Register a Company
NM01 -Change of Name by Resolution
TM02 -Termination of Secretary
Other forms